Parents' Guild
Welcome to the SPS Parents' Guild! As parents of St. Paul’s students, we are all members of the SPS Parents' Guild.
Each year, the Parents' Guild is responsible for raising funds to support the education of our students while, at the same time promoting fun and fellowship among our school community: families, students, administration and faculty. We coordinate volunteer support and provide financial assistance to the school through our many fundraising events. Our activities are administered by a Parents' Guild Executive Committee, which holds regular meetings open to all parents. The executive officers of the Parents' Guild Committee are elected in the spring of each year. The Parents' Guild's largest fundraising activities include: Hot Lunch, the Golf Tournament, Walk-a-Thon, and Spring Auction.
Committee Sign Up
Click HERE to sign up for a committee
Parents’ Guild Board:
President: Brittany Macedo
Email: pgstpauls@gmail.com
Vice President: Ami Simoni
Email: dinoamiwayn@gmail.com
Secretary: Jennifer Wessel
Email: jennifer@agjobs4u.com
Treasurer: Lisa Salgado
Email: Lwhiting@sbcglobal.net
Social Media Content Manager: Brittney Lopez
Email: MrsBrittneyLopez@gmail.com
Committee Heads
Fall Carnival Coordinators:
Brittany Macedo: pgstpauls@gmail.com
Ami Simoni: dinoamiwayn@gmail.com
Brittney Lopez: mrsbrittneylopez@gmail.com
Casey Smith: caseynsmith@aol.com
Maribel Chavez: maribelavilla@gmail.com
Fun Run Coordinators:
Jennifer Wessel: jennifer@agjobs4u.com
Ashley Stewart: ashley@agvantage.net
Jose Arias: jose@thecreativepromo.com
Christmas Cookies + Cocoa: TBD
Car Show/Community Night Coordinator:
Maribel Chavez: maribelavilla@gmail.com
Ag/Dairy Day:
Melanie Dias: mrs.melanie.dias@gmail.com
Jennifer Wessel: jennifer@agjobs4u.com
Spring Auction Coordinators:
Christie VanderPoel: christievanderpoel@yahoo.com
Ami Simoni: dinoamiwayn@gmail.com
Brittany Macedo: pgstspauls@gmail.com
Brittney Lopez: mrsbrittneylopez@gmail.com
Teacher Appreciation Week:
Egin Cerutti: mason4444@icloud.com
Missy Danieli: Milissa1278@yahoo.com
Jennifer Hennagin: jennifer.hennagin@gmail.com
Field Day Coordinator:
Casey Smith: caseynsmith@aol.com
First Trimester Parents’ Guild Important Dates
● August 22nd- Welcome Back Social at Conbesos (tickets purchased by August 1st)
● Sept 6th- First Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: library patio
● October 18th - Fall Carnival 3:00-6:00pm
● October 4th - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: library patio
● November 1st - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: library patio
● Fun Run Week - November 18-21st.
Second Trimester Parents Guild Important Dates
● December 6th - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: TBD
● December 20th - Christmas Cookies + Cocoa
● January 17th - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: TBD
● February 7th - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: TBD
Third Trimester Parents Guild Important Dates
● March 7th - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: library patio
● March 22nd - Spring Auction!
● April 4th - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: library patio
● April TBD – Ag/Dairy Day
● April/May TBD – Car Show Community Night
● May 2nd - Parents’ Guild Meeting 8:15am location: library patio
● May 5th-9th Teacher Appreciation Week
● May 23rd - Field Day!
PS-PK - Field Day organized by PG and PK Teachers
K-5th - Field Day organized by Parents’ Guild
6-8th - Last Day of school activities organized by teachers/room parents